We had been dreaming, planning, and saving, and the time had finally come.  It was time for YWAM to meet together in Townsville, Austraila.  For Brooke and I our stories began there over 10 years ago.  So many special memories as we had discipled so many there in Townsville and sent them out to the nations.  We had not been back since we left to get married, and we were very excited to take the kids and get updates from our friends and a ministry we were so closely apart of. 

We had a wonderful time as we went a few weeks early to serve the campus and prepare for the YWAM family to be together.  I was able to help serve on the organizing and planning team as we prepared for about 1200 YWAMers to come from all over the world.  As we gathered as a YWAM Family, it was such a special time to look back at the 50+ years of YWAM and all that God has done as well as to look to the future.  We have a great emphasis on the Bible and getting it into the hands of all World in a translation of their mother tongue…an opportunity for every person to engage with the Word of God!  This is a huge task and we as YWAM and many other organizations have been working together towards this for many years and we are getting closer and closer all the time. 

Yes, we took our free time and weekends to meet up with our friends that we had not seen in many years.  We even took one day for an adventure just like we did when Brooke and I got engaged.  We were able to retell the story to our girls and then give some very special news to them.  We are having a baby!  … We have been hoping to have another baby for quite a while and now that dream is coming true.

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