It is a blessing to give.

As full time workers with Youth With A Mission we rely on relationship-based support. We are supported by Family, Friends and Churches; people that have come across our paths and believe in who we are and what we do. Some people partner with us on a monthly basis and others give whenever they can. We are so grateful to be supported. Yes, some months things can be quite tough when the bills are much bigger than the donations we receive, but God continues to carry us through. Would you consider partnering with us and being a part of our team.

If you would like to partner with us in ministry you have a couple of options:

1.You can give tax deductible donations through mail and direct deposit though sending a donation to University of the Nations Kona.  All donations are tax deductible and checks can be made out to UofN Kona.  Please do not write our name on the check; though all donations do go directly to us. Attach a note designating it for Cory or Brooke Passehl Account Number 5612.

Donations May be sent to:
University of the Nations
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy #256

Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

Phone (808)326-4428

2. If you would like to give on-line click here and you will be directed to the University of the Nations Kona webpage where you can donate to us on line.

3. If you would like to give to us personally and directly you can do that by mailing a check to us or sending cashapp $corypassehl or paypal is or Venmo @Brooke-Passehl

To send a check to us personally

Cory and Brooke Passehl

75-5851 Kuakini Hwy #73

Kailua Kona HI 96740