We are days away from getting on the airplane and heading to Costa Rica! We've been praying and hoping for this trip for almost 2 years now and it's exciting to see the dream turn into reality. Our heart is to be amongst the lost, share the love of Jesus, and hand out Bibles that will leave a lasting impact on individuals and families... all while doing this TOGETHER, as Family! We want our family to have a chance to go and do what God says. We want our children to have a turn to pray and go! But if you think that all of this "just comes together" for us then let me tell you, it doesn't. There is work, things coming against us, and maybe even legitimate reasons why this wouldn't be the best time or trip.  (Not to mention that I'm sure this will be at best, unconventional, and at worst, well... chaos!) Yet God says, "Go." So with the help of our family and friends, we are setting out! We have seen some money come in for this trip, but as more details come together, it looks like we still need to see $3265 to cover our total needs. If you're excited that we're going and you, too, believe in the principles that we're seeking to display in our family, then would you consider giving to help cover our costs? There are a few details below of our outreach ahead, but if you have more questions then please ask. 

We'll be serving with YWAM in San Jose, Costa Rica for 4 weeks doing various ministries as a family. Then the last 10 days, we will be together with YWAM Internationally to spend time praying, worshipping, and looking at where we are and where we're not in world missions. 
