As spring is upon us there is so much hope in the air.  Winter is gone and the hope of new life is everywhere.  As our teams returned from the nations, they told story after story of new life in Jesus, with such hope.  One of our teams entered a new city and were given an orientation on the new city saying that, “The people are hard and may not be receptive at all to the Gospel.”  However, their experience was not like that at all!   As they went from home to home, to pray for people and give out Bibles, peoples’ hearts and lives were touched.  Another student (on still another team) after being rejected a few times while trying to share the Gospel had HOPE that this message is truth that can change lives.  He didn’t give up after being rejected but found another group of youth to talk to. This time the young people received what he had to say and each made decisions for Jesus right then!  So many times we are stopped by our fears… “What will people think? What will happen? What if?...”  May we no longer be slaves to our fears but may we be a people that step out (like our students did) and trust that the Lord is leading us!

Sure, we face our own challenges here (homeschooling our kids with a baby, being away from our family and so many friends, feeling isolated) but God is so faithful.  As we disciple our students, we have seen them overcome so much and be such a blessing to the nations.  Our team that went to Uganda shared the Gospel with over 1700 people, & 771 people accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They also shared the Jesus film with approximately 900 people.  God did so much and that was just 1 of our 4 teams we sent out!  All praise to God!
