Breakfast. Laundry. Get the girls dressed. Hang the laundry out to dry. Creative play/learning. Lunch. Books. Nap. Wash the dishes. Clean. Dinner. Baths. Bed. Repeat.
This is my day. This is generally my week, with a few exceptions and amendments, things generally go about like this. And I’m going to be the first to admit that some days I’m just not feeling it. I’m not feeling like I’m “living the dream.” I don’t even feel much like a missionary. I have a heart for the nations, but some days I only get to the playground! I love discipling and training others, but often I lose sight of that love when it’s the same three lively munchkins that I get to do life with and call my daughters. Somehow it just feels different.
Well, this past week I got to serve in our local church’s Vacation Bible School. And though my days were busy and my feet were tired, ….it was great! We had an average of about 90 kids each night that showed up to have fun, worship, play games, eat snack, and learn more about God. Through the course of 1 week they learned a scripture verse from Isaiah and heard Bible stories all week long about what it meant to Walk in the Way of God.
And I was reminded once again what it means for me to be a missionary. Many years ago as I was just starting out in missions I asked God for my life verse and I was brought to Ephesians 5:1-2.
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.
Honestly I was hoping for something a bit more specific that would set the course for my life and ministry, haha! But more and more God shows me how I am to be an Imitator of Him and Live a life of Love. That is it. It’s about Loving the One in front of me. And this past week, I was grateful for the opportunity to love on some kids from our community. And this next week, well,… I’ll love the one in front of me, whoever that may be!